The Day Has Finally Come: We're Home Rentowners!
After many years of waiting for the right time, we have purchased our first home (which is more like a glorified rental TBH) through Stanford’s extensive faculty housing programs.

Two Years Out, 100% In
Two years after going on mat leave for the second time and then deciding not to return to work, I find myself happy with my choice to leave the corporate world. There has been a lot keeping our family busy, and it’s refreshing to finally have the bandwidth to manage the chaos.

Our Summer “Micro Trips” This Year
With a 1.5yo and a 5yo, we are decidedly unadventurous when it comes to travel. But we do our best to find close(ish) destinations that still offer a change of scenery. Our summer this year was bookended by two trips: Pasadena in June and Santa Barbara in August.

Half a Lifetime, A Whole Life
Happy “Christmas Eve in July” to my one and only. I was on this earth for 6,529 days before we officially started dating, and today marks 6,529 days together since then.

Return of the Professor
We have made a decision as a family for my husband to return to academia (he will be a professor at Stanford starting fall 2025), and we are ready to put down roots after 18 years of repeatedly moving around. Academia comes with a set of challenges, but also holds many advantages for our family. We are so excited and grateful to begin this new chapter together!

Our Spring "Micro Trips" This Year
My son got two weeks off school this spring, so we took “micro trips” to Monterey and Paso Robles. The partial babysitting from grandma was a big plus too!

I Like to KISS … My Finances, That Is
I live my life by the KISS (keep it super simple) philosophy, and that applies just as much to my financial life. Plus, personal finance FTW!

Our Approach to (Holiday) Gifting – We’re Not Total Gift Grinches!
While my husband and I don’t engage in gift giving for each other, we use a wishlist for others in our lives who do like to give gifts, and we often default to consumable items rather than durable goods to keep the clutter (and stress!) under control.

How to Handle the Hauls of Halloween
I love Halloween for so many reasons, but I need a system to deal with the attendant plastic junk and overflowing candy stash in a way that avoids meltdowns (either mine or the kids’).

Holler if You Hate Hosting at Home
Even if you don’t like to (or can’t) invite people into your home, you can still have company – just take it outside! Whether indoors or outdoors, shared/public spaces may be the answer to your hosting woes.

34 Years, 34 Countries and Counting
My husband and I were bitten by the travel bug during my MBA, and are eagerly anticipating the day when we might resume globetrotting (assuming we can figure out some childcare plan for the kids … that’s the catch!)

Trading Corporate America for Crazy Kiddos
I made the difficult decision to pause my career after my second child, even though it went against everything I was raised to do and had worked so hard for.